
Bora Bora deltager i en række projekter både internationalt og nationalt for at styrke udviklingen af den europæiske scenekunst, skabe muligheder for udøvende kunstnere og vise Aarhusianerne scenekunst fra ind- og udland.

Contextualizing Dance

Does dramaturgy support the development of choreographic artworks? 

Together with choreographers, dramaturgs, critics, academics and producers we would like to uncover the role of dance dramaturgy as a practice of contextualization. We will explore the tools that it can provide for artistic practices: 

  • What is it that it can do for the context of a choreography and how does it do that? 
  • How does it support and affect the development of a choreography – from idea,  through concept to the process and the final show? 
  • Which tools are available and how can they be used by the artists also? And what tools are we missing? 
  • Can a collaboration between the dramaturgy and the choreography help to make dance more relevant to more audiences? Without compromising the artists’ idea?

Bora Bora together with dance dramaturg Thomas Schaupp hosted a hands-on public symposia on “Contextualizing Dance – Dance Dramaturgy as a practice of interlinking Art with the Society” the 13th and 14th of December 2019 at Bora Bora in Aarhus, Denmark.

This symposium could be seen as a continuation of Bora Bora Residency Centers’ work to develop choreographic and movement-based art and its terms in Denmark and abroad. In interweaving artistic, theoretical and practical contributions with curated spaces for fruitful interactions and discussions, this event provided nutritious ground for profound knowledge-transfers and discussions, in which everyone was regarded as an expert – not least the general audience.

Program for the conference: Bára Sigfúsdóttir, Fabio Liberti, Merel Heering, Andreas Constantinou, Danjel Andersson, Synne Berndt, Tina Tarpgaard, Peter M. Boenisch, Pia Krämer, Monna Dithmer, Jesper de Neergaard and Annette van Zwoll.

Link to a playlist with conversations during the conference:

Link to the facebook event: 

Partners of the project: Aarhus Universitet – department of dramaturgy, Performing Arts Platform, Bora Bora og EVU-DDSKS Scenet, Foreningen Af Danske Dramaturger.

Micro & Macro - Dramaturgies in dance

Micro and Macro Dramaturgies in Dance er et to år langt europæisk forsknings- og træningsprojekt, der samler seks førende moderne danseorganisationer: Anghiari Dance Hub og Marche Teatro (Italien), Bora Bora (Danmark), Dance House Lemesos (Cypern) , DansBrabant (Holland) og Tanec Praha (Tjekkiet). Målet er gennem udveklsing og samarbejde at udforske dramaturgi som en kreativ og socialt bevidst praksis.

Projektet er koordineret af Tanec Praha og kurateret af et videnskabeligt hold af dramaturger: Guy Cools, Katalin Trencsényi, Maja Hriešik og Anne-Marije van den Bersselaar.

Projektet er i sit andet år i 2022 og afholder workshop på Bora Bora i perioden 21.-30 marts 2022.

Læs mere om projekt på vores generelle BBRC-informationsside.

Som et resultat af projektet er der lavet et endeligt dokument til dokumentation. Læs med her.

Læs mere om projektet her: Dramaturgies in dance


Projektet er støttet af Creative Europe Programmet under EU.

D & D

I dette internationale samarbejde, sendes en danskbaseret kunstner på residency hos 2 af de øvrige deltagende organisationer. Projektet er sat til at forløbe over 2020-2022 med en ny kunstner hvert år.

Partnere i projektet tæller udover Bora Bora også La Bellone i Belgien, CSC Bassano de Grappa i Italien og Theatre Sevelin36 i Schweiz, hvoraf sidstnævnte er lead-partner på projektet.

Læs mere om projektet her