Dansk Danseteater (DK)

Aarhus Summer Dance


August 17th & 18th, 2024, 12:00 & 15:00 (90 min.)

This year's program features two performances: BLOODY MOON by the Artistic Director of Danish Dance Theatre, Marina Mascarell with the nine dancers of Danish Dance Theatre, and the duet WHEN WE BREAK by Brazilian choreographer Renan Martins. Performed outside Moesgaard Museum. Free of charge.


When We Break (duet) 12.00 – 12.20
Bloody Moon (the company) 12.30 – 13.30


When We Break (duet) 15.00 – 15.20
Bloody Moon (the company) 15.30 – 16.30

Danish Dance Theater presents the performances BLOODY MOON and WHEN WE BREAK in the open air at Moesgaard Museum – in collaboration with Bora Bora.

The popular dance festival Copenhagen Summer Dance returns to Aarhus, where the audience can look forward to experiencing the company and its dancers in beautiful green surroundings. This year’s program features the two new performances BLOODY MOON created by Artistic Director of Danish Dance Theatre, Marina Mascarell with the nine dancers of Danish Dance Theatre and the duet WHEN WE BREAK by Brazilian choreographer Renan Martins.

BLOODY MOON is inspired by Georges Bataille’s work “Eroticism” and becomes a celebration of the three forms of eroticism: the eroticism of the body, the eroticism of the heart, and the sacred eroticism, with newly composed music and beats by Yamila Rios and playful costumes by Nina Botkay. Like any good celebration, transgression is precisely what gives it a wonderful and divine aspect. We, as audience members, witness the debauchery: the final dance of a group eager to live life in all its splendour, aware of its finitude and united by the common feeling of dizziness towards the abyss.

Brazilian choreographer Renan Martins’ WHEN WE BREAK explores themes of conflicts, humans, places, bodies, and communities, influenced by his personal experience as a queer person of colour in Europe.

There will also be a free dance workshop on Saturday morning and a family workshop for children and their parents on Sunday morning. The events are free of charge. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.


Both require registration.

Lindy Hop
17th of august 2024
16:30 – 17:30
Sign up here

Family workshop
18th august 2024
10:30 – 11:15
Sign up here


About Marina Mascarell

Marina Mascarell became Artistic Director of Danish Dance Theater in 2023. She has spent 11 years in the Netherlands choreographing for the Netherlands’ leading dance company – Nederlands Dans Theater – GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, Skånes Dansteater, Lyon Opera Ballet, Dance Forum Taipei and Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona. Choreographer at Korzo Theater in The Hague 2011-21, Associated Artist at Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona since 2018 and founder and artistic director of MEI(s) Foundation.

Her work has been presented in the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Taiwan, China, Korea, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and Chile. She has also been recognized and awarded with numerous prizes throughout her career, such as the BNG Excellent Dans Award 2015. Alongside her work as a choreographer, Marina has developed a practice that is strongly linked to her choreographic process. A methodological focus in movement research and increased body awareness.


About Marina Mascarell

About Renan Martins

Renan Martins (aka DJ Bamboo) is a Brazilian choreographer and performer based in Heidelberg. He started his artistic path as a young actor in Rio de Janeiro and at the age of 17 moved to Europe to study contemporary dance. He graduated from both SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) and P.A.R.T.S (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) where he started developing his choreographic work. His very first full evening piece “Let Me Die In My Footsteps” was chosen by Aerowaves as one of the top works of 2016. Since then he has been making work, performing and touring in various cities in Europe and Brazil. He is a member of Sekoia Artes Performativas, a Portuguese platform that has produced his work since 2018 and is managed by Tina Agency.

​Parallel to his choreographic practice, he has been a performer for Iztok Kovac, Marysia Stoklosa, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Alexandra Waierstall, Ceren Oran, Daniel Linehan and Peter Savel.

​Renan Martins is an active teacher sharing his work in various dance schools, festivals and companies around Europe and Brazil such as Impulstanz, Ballet National de Marseille, Norwegian Theatre Academy, Theater Bremen, B12, Danish National School of Performing Arts, Dance Theatre Heidelberg, Danscentrum Stockholm, Tictac Art Center, Antwerp Royal Conservatory, Centro de Artes da Maré/Lia Rodrigues and P.A.R.T.S., to name a few.

Since 2013 he has been a member of Damaged Goods/Meg Stuart performing in “Violet”, “Atelier III”, “Projecting [Space[“ and most recently “CASCADE”. He is now also part of DDE, a research project on diversity and inclusion together with the faculty of P.A.R.T.S. (BE), Manufacture (CH) and SKH (SK).

Website: renanmartins.net

About Renan Martins



Marina Mascarell

Marina Mascarell in cooperation with
Jessica Lyall
Lukas Hartvig-Moller
Merete Hersvik
Bradley Waller
Lúa Mayenco Cardenal
Leticia Silva
Amancio Gonzalez
Kristin Bjerkestrand
Wolf Govaerts
Lola Potiron
Luca Tomaselli

Jessica Lyall
Lukas Hartvig-Moller
Bradley Waller
Leticia Silva
Amancio Gonzalez
Wolf Govaerts
Lola Potiron
Luca Tomaselli
Nicky Daniels

Set design:
Marina Mascarell
together with the company dancers

Costume design:
Nina Botkay

Costume maker:
Maria Ipsen

Yamila Rios

Light design:
Andreas Buhl

Percussion samples and recordings:
Uffe Savery

Rehearsal Director:
Patricia Pawlik

Performance photos and video:
Jubal Battisti


Renan Martins

Created with and dance by:
Victor Pérez
Armero & Alma Toaspern

DJ Bamboo

Costume Design:
Maria Ipsen

Kristin Bjerkestrand

Finneas Armstrong

Performance photos and video:
Jubal Battisti


A warm thank you to
Spar Nord Fonden and
the City of Aarhus
for supporting Aarhus Summer Dance

Not in sale