Bora Bora Residency Centre

About Bora Bora Residency Centre

Bora Bora Residency Centre is an international residency center, based in Aarhus, with a focus on artistic and economically sustainable conditions for the development of the artistic practice and works, for professional artists mostly within the field of contemporary dance.

Bora Bora Residency Centre activities

This year the Residency Centre organizes an open call to find artists in need of a residency. Either to immerse themselves in their artistic practice and/or the development of a project. We design each residency by engaging in analytical dialogue, where we explore the artistic focus for the residency. Each of these residencies includes fees for participating artists, paid transportation and accommodation, as well as a contributing person (see below).

All Bora Bora residencies will take place at either Bora Bora or one of the project’s Danish co-hosts that encompass theaters, folk-highschools and other performing arts organizations.

International exchanges

In addition to the annual open call, which is open internationally, the Bora Bora Residency Centre is also a partner in the Nordic Residency Exchange Program, where five major performing arts houses in the northern Europe, collaborate on exchanging artists once a year. Bora Bora sends out a Danish artist, or an artist based in Denmark, to a partner and receives an artist from either Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland or Lithuania. These residencies are selected by the partners and can not be applied for.

Furthermore, the residency centre is a member of the international residency exchange collaboration “Dance & Dramaturgy EU” and has been a member of CROWD – International Dance Exchange.

If you have any questions, please write:

Do you want to apply for a residency?

The residencies are open to professional dance artists or other artists with a strong choreographic idea from all over the world.

If you want to stay updated and receive news on open calls from the residency centre, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here. We will also announce open calls on our facebook page.

It is only possible to apply for residencies and other opportunities with Bora Bora Residency Centre through our application form (see OPEN CALL 24/25). Before applying, we recommend that you take a look through our website and FAQ, where we answer some of the most common questions about the residency centre.

Residencies may be for the following purposes

  • Research: Early developing and exploration of an artistic idea 
  • Development: Taking an already developed idea to the next stage
  • Exploration: Exploring a new direction of your artistic work and practice or a new collaboration 
  • Post production: Taking up an already premiered work for reflection, further development or preparing it for touring 

Bora Bora Residency Centre selects the residents through a focus on artistic quality, depth and diversity. We also welcome artists who want to interact with the host (partner venues or folk high schools) and the local audiences.

We customize each residency after an analytic dialogue to explore your artistic focus in the residency and secure that the residency design supports this focus.

If selected Bora Bora Residency Centre will provide

  • Maximum artistic fees for 12 weeks in total – divided between all participants
  • Accommodation
  • Travel costs are covered
  • Communication services as part of the Bora Bora Community with online artists database, listing in newsletter and follow up listings about future residencies, co-production and premieres in the years to come

If required, we can also provide

  • Feedback from in house dramaturgs
  • Feedback from external outside eye
  • In house tech support
  • Cooperation with external partners within the field of new technology, education, research and outreach

As a resident at Bora Bora Residency Centre we request you to

  • Interact with the local community or audience through some sort of encounter (this can be a sharing or talk about your work, workshops etc.)
  • Contribute with info on your work for our website and newsletter
  • Include the Bora Bora Residency Centre on all future publicity materials relating to the potential work resulting from your residency
  • Give feedback to us on the process of your residency

Applicants should demonstrate

  • An artistic idea that is relevant here and now
  • A CV demonstrating your professional work in making and presenting dance/performance work
  • An understanding of how the residency will enhance your artistic development
  • An interest in a long lasting relation with Bora Bora and partners

The call for residency applications was open between March 4th and April 5th 2024.

Applicants will receive answers by May 17th

The selection is based on artistic curation by the artistic advisory board.

Residencies will take place between August 2024 and June 2025.

Here, you can read more about the residency opportunity for our open call season 24/25. 

Deadline for was applications: April 5th 2024


Residency opportunities for national and international dance artists

Bora Bora Residency Centre is an internationally oriented center based in Aarhus, Denmark. The centre is organizationally integrated in Bora Bora – Dance and Visual Theatre.

The programme is open to professional dance artists, choreographers and other artists from all over the world. We value diversity and hope to receive applications from artists with diverse backgrounds.

We are mainly looking for projects in the following phases:

  • Research: Early developing and exploration of an artistic idea 
  • Development: Taking an already developed idea to the next stage
  • Exploration: Explore a new direction of your artistic work and practice or a new collaboration 
  • Post production: Taking up an already premiered work for reflection and further development


Residency program and partners

The design of each residency is depending on wishes and needs of the applicants as well as how this is best matched in Bora Bora Residency Centre. Bora Bora collaborates with partners, who contribute to hosting residencies in the central and northern region of Jutland. Full list of partners below. 

The residency programme is able to support each artistic team with a maximum of 12 payed weeks, not for everybody involved, but shared in total.

The periods and total amount of weeks depends upon the availability of the artistic team and the schedule of Bora Bora Residency Centre. 

Residencies last 2-4 weeks


Typical design and what is covered in the residencies

  • 2-4 weeks residency, depending on the amount of participants.
  • Travel & accommodation covered
  • Fee for potential Contributor: Researcher, outside eye, dramaturge, etc. 


Instructions for the application

We strongly encourage you to read about the details of the residency program here on our webpage.

Guidelines for the application form:

  • You will need a google-login to fill out our application form 
  • Applications must be in English
  • You/your collective must be the choreographer(s)/maker(s) of a minimum of two professional  productions, not including the project you are applying with.
  • Applications involving a single person are not accepted, however solo works may be considered if they are rooted in a collaborative proces.
  • It is necessary to be available at least ten weeks, in timespans of minimum 2 weeks. These ten weeks must be in the period between 1 August 2024 to 30 June 2025, with a duration of 2-4 weeks per residency.
  • If applying as a collective or collaboration of two or more equal creators, it should be stated clearly in the description of the project. However it is necessary to state one person as the main applicant, for the purpose of having one contact person from the project. 


Selection of applications

After April 5th applications will be shortlisted by producers in Bora Bora and further selections are made by the artistic advisory board of Bora Bora.

In season 24/25, the artistic board consists of:

Samme Raeymaekers (BE), artistic director of Dansens Hus in Oslo

Sigrid Aakvik (NO), Head of the Nordic agency Art & About in Aarhus

Five projects will be selected and invited for residency in Bora Bora Residency Centre. Due to Danish funding at least two out of the five projects must be  Danish artists or artists based in Denmark.


Our residency alumni

At Bora Bora Residency Centre, we aim to make all our residency alumni part of our network. We strive to follow the artists after the residency, stay in contact and we encourage artists to exchange ideas and methods.

We wish to help artists look for opportunities and connect with new partners for instance through the networks we take part in. Bora Bora is a part of networks such as Nordic Residency Exchange Programme (NREP), CROWD – International Dance Exchange and Dance & Dramaturgy EU.

Questions about the residencies?

If you have any questions about the application process:

  • Check out our FAQ page below
  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Follow our facebook page
  • E-mail our residency producer, if you can’t find the answer in the pages above:

Bora Bora Residency host partners

  • Holstebro Dansekompagni
  • Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium
  • Teatret Svalegangen
  • Kolding Egnsteater
  • Limfjordsteatret
  • Earthwise Residency
  • Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology, Aarhus University 
  • Vestjyllands Højskole
  • Nørgaards Højskole

If you have any questions check out the FAQ below or write:

What languages do you accept in the application?

As the artistic advisory board consists of people with international backgrounds, we only accept applications in English.

Is there a way to get an overview of the entire application form?

The form is divided into sections and content in will not be deleted if you move forward/backward in the form. However, you may need to fill in mandatory fields to move forward. It is often enough to type a few letters (you can go back and correct them later) to navigate back and forth between sections and get an overview of what is required.

Can I send multiple applications for several different projects?

Yes. You are very welcome to apply with more than one project, as long as they each have their own application.

I don’t have video/what kind of video should I add?

We do need some video material in order to get an idea of your work. We welcome full length performances, rehearsal and process videos of almost any quality. It’s okay if you only have a work in progress video recorded on a smartphone. Trailers and promotional videos aren’t as useful to us.

Please make sure to include passwords if necessary when using youtube, vimeo, etc.

I forgot to add CV/videos/other, what should I do?

You will not be able to access your application, once it has been sent. If you forgot to include important material in your application, please send it to us in PDF form, clearly marked with the full name of the applicant as well as the e-mail from which the original application was sent. We will then add it to your application manually. You must send it by the deadline, to

If it is after the deadline, you may send updated or extra information to us, but we cannot promise that it will be included in your application.

Can I apply through e-mail to a member of staff at Bora Bora?

No, you cannot. The only way to apply for a residency with the residency centre, is through the application form when it is online.

I have some extra material that I would like to send after the deadline, is that possible?

You may send extra material, video of your work etc. but we cannot guarantee that the advisory board will consider it, once the selection process begins.

Can you provide feedback on my application?

Unfortunately we do not have the adequate ressources to provide feedback on applications. We do however, advise you to always read the terms and FAQs before applying, as well as applying in good time before the deadline, and being precise in your application.

Can we apply as a collective?

Whether you are a collective, a group or a duo of creators, it is definitely possible to apply together with a project. If that’s the case, please make sure to state it clearly in your project description.

You will find that one of you has to be the main applicant. This is for administrative purposes only.

Can I apply if I am an artist from another artistic field with an idea that is choreographic or involves dancing?

Yes, you are welcome to apply but you will need to show in your application how it is relevant within the frame of the residency program and the choreographic element needs to be strongly represented

Can I apply with a piece that just needs rehearsal space and time?

You are welcome to apply within any stage of your process. You may use this residency opportunity to explore new ideas and work with/gather inspiration for a new direction, new methods, explore new technology or different approaches to working.

I don’t know who the participants will be yet, can I still apply?

Yes, if you know that you will involve for instance dancers, a videographer, technician, set designer, etc. but you are not sure if they will be available, then please write it in your application. We are happy to help you with finding people to work with, if needed after selection.

Will you cover my/our travel expenses?

Bora Bora Residency Centre travel costs and accommodation for participating artists in each residency, but we do not offer per diems.

How many artists/dancers can we bring?

The residency centre can pay artistfees for up to 12 weeks divided on everybody in the residency, so it depends on the duration of the residency, the artistic need and how well periods can be matched with Bora Bora Residency Centre and our hostpartners.

Can you say more about the budget?

You are welcome to raise additional funding and arrange your own accommodation and travel, to be able to bring more artists if the 12 weeks of shared fees doesn’t cover the global need. The weekly artistic fee is 7.000 DKR. which is around 940 Euros. We can not pay per diems but we pay travels and accommodation. Not all residencies use the 12 weeks of fees. If it works for our global budget, we may in that case, invite an additional artistic group in residency.

When is the next deadline?

The 5th of April 2024

I missed the deadline by seconds/minutes/hours/days, can I still apply?

No, unfortunately we do not have the capacity to go through late applications, as the selection process will take place immediately after the deadline.

I have read the application form and it mentions a Contributor, what is that?

It’s an expert, outside eye, interviewee, other… You might have a clear idea of someone who could contribute to the process, or you might have some thoughts on what area of expertise, or other types of involvement, that would be useful. The team at Bora Bora can help you find contacts, if your application is successful.

Is the fee for the Contributor a part of the artistic fees covered by the residency?

No, it works like an add-on. The person will be invited into the process to help/challenge/inform you. The residency centre covers accommodation, travel and a small fee for the mentor role as an extra opportunity of bringing someone in.

Will the Contributor be there during the whole residency?

As a general guideline, no they will not. A couple of hours or days depending on the role, is usually enough.

Where will the residency take place?

If you have applied for and are granted one of our residencies, you can expect to stay with one of our regional Danish partners, who will host you for the duration of your residency. In some instances we also host residencies at Bora Bora, but we cannot guarantee anything.

What is a “Folk High School” or “Højskole” ?

A “Folk High School” or “Højskole” is a boarding school for typically 18-30 year olds, who want to spend 4-12 months exploring a certain theme or subject. There are no exams and usually the schools have an informal and socially engaging way to approach learning, through subjects such as photography, sports activities, arts, crafts, sustainable eco-farming and a myriad of other things.

Do you offer technical residencies?

Most of our host-partners can provide studio space, while a few houses have the possibility to offer for instance technical support in terms of light, sound, technical assistance, etc.
If you have the option of indicating a period for choreographic body development and say a later period for a more technical residency, it would be a way to let us know your needs, without limiting the possibilities to only a technical residency. If your residency needs are limited only to a technical one, you can still apply. However, we will only select more technically demanding works, if the periods proposed are matching with availability in the structures that can provide the necessary technical equipment and team.

Where can I see the technical specifications for each venue?

You can find information about the venues on their respective websites. We will not be able to promise access to certain rooms or stages, as your residency will depend on the general availability of the venues and co-hosts. If you state your technical needs in the application, this will be taken into consideration, when finding the right host for you.

Can we select where we would like to go among the Bora Bora Residency Centre partners & hosts?

You may request a host, if you wish to stay somewhere specific, but all residencies will be subject to availability and will be matched with the host we, in dialogue with you, think will be most beneficial for you and your project.

What is cross-sectorial partners and how can I use them in a residency?

Our cross-sectorial partners are local businesses and organizations, working within different fields, with an interest in or connection to performing arts or creative processes. It’s an option for residency participants, to connect with these partners to exchange knowledge, ideas and experience that might enhance your work, during a residency.

Can we select where we would like to do the residency among the international partner venues?

The international partners and networks are not a part of the open call. However, sometimes we find candidates for the exchanges via the open call. In the application form we ask if we may contact you if other possibilities arise. The exchanges with our international partners will happen as bilateral exchanges with artists based in Denmark and artists based in the partner country. The artists for these exchanges will be curated in a dialogue between the partners.

I didn’t find what I was looking for, where can I ask my questions?

If you didn’t find the information you needed, try to read through the rest of our website or send an email at

Bora Bora Residency Centre is supported by

Previously also supported by the Beckett Foundation and Nordic Culture Point.