MØR Collective (DK)
Genlyd [Resonance]
"Genlyd" [Resonance] is a musical performance about getting lost in oneself. In a raw, absurd, musically playful laboratory, two people juggle with society's normative concepts. What does it mean to be yourself, in a world where everything is potentially 100% exposed?
In a world where the manufactured substance of social media dominates and fascinates, the artistic team behind “GENLYD” (echo / reverberation / resonance) questions our filtered perceptions of reality. What is the reality today? What can be trusted? Images of flawless friends, designer furniture, health food and excess bombard us from the moment we open our eyes. Nothing is quite what it says it is. The mobile phone’s constant vibrations keep us awake and alert.
With “GENLYD” MØR Collective wants to create debate about the pressure, not least for young people, in a world where consumer culture constantly feeds us images of ourselves and others. We pose in a constructed fiction that denies the reality that is our actual reality, and many people suffer from a constant feeling of inadequacy. The performance challenges the normative, and questions body ideals, identity and the individual. Because what does it mean to be yourself, in a world where everything is potentially 100% exposed? And is it even possible to get into other people’s reality if your focus is constantly centered on how many likes you get? “GENLYD” premiered and played to an enthusiastic audience at the AFUK Stage in Copenhagen in the autumn of 2020.
Please note: “GENLYD” is a physical music performance, but contains elements of speech in Danish/Swedish and English.

“They very convincingly express a simultaneity of survival and self-delusion. They do everything you “should” and “do” in the self-staging world of social media at the same time as they let loneliness seep in a steady stream out of the deconstructive cracks, with a watchful eye for variation and detail, Cille Lansade has staged the delusions and the deconstruction, which is also wisely included.”
– Teateravisen
“GENLYD is a playful way of defending being able to be normal, big, small, fat or thin. In short: Being allowed to be yourself.”
– Danstidningen.se
“As types, Barkan & Wadsten are like Cuckoo & Gokke or Fyr & Bee. They have us in the palm of their hand with their story (…) I can’t get tired of looking at the two of them. They are so liberatingly peculiar in their the search for each other, and so incredibly human.”
– Michael Svennevig, Ørkendrømme (Desert Dreams) blog
Production: MØR Collective
Director/choreographer: Cille Lansade
Performers/scripts: Anika Barkan and Petter Wadsten
Composer and live musician: Mika Forsling
Lighting designer: Clementine AM Waldelius
Costume designer: Camilla Lind
The performance is supported by: The Augustinus Foundation and the The Danish Art Foundation’s Music Dramatic Committee