KluBora Membership

Click on "BUY TICKETS" in the white bar at the bottom of the page/window. The date indicated in the same place does not mean anything. Your membership is valid one year from the day of purchase. Please read the practical info below.

Buy a KluBora membership and buy tickets at a membership price! Save lots of money – already from ticket no. 2.

A membership costs 140 DKK and then you can buy your membership ticket for 90 DKK (however, some special performances can be a little more expensive) one year from the date of purchase. However, we reserve the right to make adjustments for price increases during the membership period.

* You cannot buy your membership in the same purchase as your tickets. Membership must be registered as a purchase before it is active.
* Your membership is personal. You will receive a membership code that belongs to your membership.
* You can only buy one ticket with member discount per membership for a show.
* You can buy more than one membership on your Billetten profile if you e.g. often buy two tickets because you often go to Bora Bora with the same person.

Buy membership ticket together with other members
If you are going to Bora Bora with other KluBora members (and want to sit next to each other), just use their membership code and enter it on the page where you buy tickets. If you are more than 2 people just enter the codes one at a time.

NOTE! Regarding renewal of membership.
Membership is automatically renewed after 1 year. You will receive an email 14 days before, 7 days before and 1 day before, so you have the opportunity to unsubscribe from the renewal if you wish.
However, this only applies to memberships purchased after October 13th 2023. Memberships purchased before this date must be manually renewed.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us at info (at) bora-bora.dk or telephone 86 19 00 79 during the office’s opening hours (weekdays 10.00-16.00).

Have fun with your membership!

Bora Bora