Facilitator: Kasper Egelund

Morning Briefing: Movement – Description – Processing

FREE (REQUIRES SIGN-UP). Kasper Egelund will challenge our way of describing what we perceive through different exercises in an alternative mediation like drawing and dialog after observing two dancers' movements.

Come join a Morning Briefing with movement of both brain and body.

Kasper Egelund will challenge our way of describing what we perceive through different exercises in an alternative mediation like drawing and dialog after observing two dancers’ movements.

The Move Your Mind festival focuses on dialog between art and audience through a variety of activities and performances. During November the dialog will open up with the help of different formats all designed to move our perceptions.

The morning briefing will be in English and Danish.

PLEASE NOTE: Participation is free, but requires registration via the “Buy tickets” button. Includes breakfast.

Takes place at the Performing Arts Platform, Valdemarsgade 1G, 1. tv., 8000 Aarhus C (the neighboring building to Bora Bora – facing the Scandinavian Center – entrance in the “schoolyard”).

Not in sale