Aarhus Dance Education (DK)
"NEBULA" is a dance performance with students at Aarhus Dance Education.
“A Nebula can arise when a star collapses and which can then only be seen if it is hit by light. In this Nebula, a new star can then be born.”
NEBULA is an abstract dance performance about what it means to embark on a journey. A journey which initially consists of just movement, but which is largely a journey into oneself – surrounded by other like-minded people.
What happens when you meet on the very first day? What happens inside us when we encounter resistance? How do we deal with the challenges that arise? How do we spot our ego and can we learn to see who we really are through dance?
When a part of our identity is broken down due to the experiences we have and the work we do, what is the space created for? Could we do it alone or is this only possible if we have other people by our side in the meantime? How does it feel when we are born again and something new and especially beautiful arises?
NEBULA is choreographed and staged by Merete Smedegaard in close collaboration with Marie Bang, Liv Crescesse, Cille Reinholt, Anna Koch and all 19 students at Aarhus Dance Education.

Anne Cecilie Kläning
Maria Kleiberg Fauske
Anne Mette Rohde
Nanna Iversen
Mette Lind Nielsen
Louise Brandt Bertelsen
Anders Arentoft Klausen
Mille-Marie Westring Krarup Tolstrup
Line Kirsten Kyed
Ida Meilandt Sørensen
Julie Maarbjerg Svendsen
Amanda Høj Grønnemose Jacobsen
Henriette Nørgaard Jensen
Ida Tandrup Holm Jacobsen
Eline Agerbo Nielsen
Simon Grouleff Bødker
Laura Skov Nørby
Stine Hald Christensen
Caroline Dalsgaard Møller
Choreography & Staging:
Merete Smedegaard
Further choreographic material created by:
Marie Bang
Liv Crescesse
Cille Nordlund Reinholt
Anna Koch
As well as all the students