Aris Papadopoulos (GR)
Queering the Walkscape
Walking through a city, guided by a voice, is a curiously embodied urban experience. In this queer trail, two narrators provide you with an insightful, sideways glance at your everyday familiar walkscape. From the perspectives of the foreigner, the outsider, the queer man, the displaced body in a non-native land, they guide you through the city with instructions, facts and personal narratives.
About the performance
Walking through someone else’s city and surrendering yourself into the guidance of a voice, is a curiously embodied urban experience. In this queer trail, A and E, narrators, performers, and participants in their own walk, provide us with an insightful, sideways glance at our everyday familiar walkscapes, drawing from individual and shared experiences of the city of Aarhus. From the perspectives of the foreigner, the outsider, the queer man, the south Mediterranean in a Scandinavian country, the displaced body in a non-native land and with the use of movement and words, they guide us through a section of the city, joining together detailed instructions, factual information and personal narratives.
Queering the Walkscape is an urban collective performative experience addressing themes of displacement, otherness, distancing and caring for the other, as well as the fundamental need for intimacy.
Queering the Walkscape stems from the prototype audio-walk “Scanning the Walkscape” developed in 2020 by Aris Papadopoulos, while in residency at the Critical Practices International Research Residency Program – Onassis Foundation 2020.
Queering the Walkscape is a site-specific work developed especially for the urban fabric of Aarhus, commissioned by HIMHERANDIT Productions for the second edition of The Genderhouse Festival 2021.
Duration: 50-60 mins.
Maximum participants: 20
Participants will receive an audio-file and practical information prior to the walk.

Aris Papadopoulos is an Αthens based dancer, maker and performer with a background in architecture studies. Aris is keen on the notion of landscape as a cultural construction and juxtaposition of both man-made and natural environments, and sees it as a heavily charged field of potentiality for action, exploration, playfulness and composition, and is distilling that into his own experimentations through visuals and movement. Aris is co-founder of arisandmartha, who were selected as Aerowaves Τwenty18 Artists.

Developed, narrated and performed by
Aris Papadopoulos (GR)
in collaboration with:
Emanuele Rosa (IT)
Special thanks to:
mentors Lenio Kaklea and Dimitris Theodoropoulos while working on the prototype, as well as Andreas Constantinou for taking the new work onboard and a step further.
Photo credits:
Myrto Katsimicha
Aris Papadopoulos