DON GNU turns life in an ordinary apartment complex inside out, where a rumour from a neighbor spreads and things you thought were ordinary and boring everyday turn into something very touching and humorous!
In close collaboration with the residents of Høje Gladsaxe and with a large portion of self-irony and a twinkle in the eye, “RESIDENT” places the deepest secrets of ordinary life into public view.
“RESIDENT” turns everyday life upside down and make the media’s often extreme portrayal of reality look like an outdated cartoon, because here the RESIDENTS are the story! “RESIDENT” is the last performance in the DON GNU trilogy about the unusual experiences of ordinary life.

About DON GNU (DK)
DON GNU – Physical Theater & Film makes action theater and dance combined in a playful and poetic universe.
The company was established in 2010 by the choreographers Jannik Elkær and Kristoffer Louis Andrup Pedersen, who together are responsible for the artistic management. DON GNU are house artist at Bora Bora.
Today, DON GNU is one of the country’s most touring companies, which in addition to extensive touring activities in Denmark, has also toured in large parts of the world, including all the Nordic countries, South Korea, Canada, large parts of Europe and Cuba.
More anbout Don Gnu here

Dancers: Mads Emil Duelund Hansen, Marluze da Cruz & Mikolaj Karczewski
Director & Choreography: Jannik Elkær & Kristoffer Louis Andrup Pedersen
Video & visual design: Christoffer Brekne
Composer and singer: Alice Carreri
Scenographer: Siggi Óli Palmason
Production team: Kathrine Kihm & Malene Cathrine Pedersen
Technical manager: Jacob Thau
Many thanks to: Residents in Høje Gladsaxe
Supported by: Statens Kunstfond, Aarhus Kommune, Gladsaxe Kommune, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Lemvigh-Müller Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Aage og Johanne Louis Hansens Fond & Knud Højgaards Fond.