Aarhus Dance Education (DK)

We Should All Dance

June 7th 2024 at 19:30 + June 8th 2024 at 16:00 & 19:30 (60 min)

Aarhus Dance Education once again presents their final performance, marking the end of this year's dance education programme.

WE SHOULD ALL DANCE delves deep into one thought: what would happen if everyone in the world stopped and just danced?

Where would we go and where would we be when we stopped again?

We should all dance – a little, often, by ourselves and with others. To the sound of music and in silence.

WE SHOULD ALL DANCE is a wish for peace, a dance with the darkness and a celebration of the light in life.


Aarhus Dance Education (est. 2020) is Aarhus’ first urban dance education programme. The school merges and immerses itself in the styles of hip hop and modern dance to create the most versatile dancers possible.
It is the school’s vision that students develop technically, creatively and expressively in relation to their individual potential, so that they are prepared for the professional dance environment.

Aarhus Dance Education is a part-time programme and runs for 10 months.

Classes are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.30 – 14.30.
The programme is privately owned and is located on Damagervej in Viby, Denmark.

Read more at aarhusdanceeducation.dk


Choreography and staging:
Merete Smedegaard & Benedikte Rørbæk

Additional choreographic material created by:
Marie Bang
As well as all students

Ida Ingeborg Andersen
Anna Plougmand
Amanda Jacobsen
Laura Skov Nørby
Caroline Hessellund Rasmussen
Simon Grouleff Bødker
Stine Hald Christensen
Sebastian Juan Pilgård Andersen
Olivia Vestergaard Jørgensen
Nicoline Watson
Signer Beyer
Caroline Højly
Freja Steen
Caroline Bech Mikkelsen
Tilde Møller Nielsen
Nanna Sønderby
Mie Holst
Louise Hjort Jacobsen

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