Bora Bora Residency Centre - a center for artistic research and development within dance and choreography

Bora Bora Residency Centre

About Bora Bora Residency Centre

Bora Bora Residency Centre is an international residency centre based in Aarhus, the second city of Denmark. The purpose is to support the artistic practice and projects of professional artists working within the field of dance and choreography.

Bora Bora Residency Centre – Open Call

Each year, the Residency Centre organizes an Open Call. The selected artists will be invited for a residency. Each residency includes artistic fees, paid travels and accommodation.

All Bora Bora residencies will take place at either Bora Bora or one of our Danish co-hosts that encompass theaters, folk-highschools and other performing arts organizations.


The Open Call can be applied for now

The residencies are open internationally to professional artists working in the field of dance and choreography. Bora Bora Residency Centre selects artists based on artistic quality, necessity, diversity as considered by the artistic advisory board. Five projects will be selected and invited for a residency at Bora Bora Residency Centre between the 1st of August 2025 and the 30th of June 2026. As Bora Bora Residency Centre receives funding from Danish foundations, at least two of the five projects must be initiated by Danish artists or artists based in Denmark.

The selection is made through shortlisting by our producers and further curated by the artistic advisory board of Bora Bora. By mid January we will announce the artistic advisory board of season 25/26.

The deadline for submitting a proposal was the 31st of January 2025.

For the last Open Call in 2024 we received 370 applications and invited 5 projects in residency.

Before filling out the application form, please read the following sections below

  • Criteria and application content
  • Important dates
  • Co-hosts and collaboration
  • Residency stages
  • Residency frame and budget
  • Collaboration and responsibility


  • The artist/collective must have signed at least two professional productions.
  • Applications with projects involving a single person will not be accepted, but solo works may be considered if they are anchored in a collaborative process
  • It is necessary to submit possible residency dates with the application in a time period of at least two weeks over the season, but we recommend to submit at least four periods of at least two weeks each.
  • A google login is needed in order to fill out the application form
  • Application language: English


Applicants are asked to send

  • A description or a pitch of an artistic idea or a project.
  • A description of the approach in the project/practice and how it will be investigated.
  • A CV with previous artistic experience.
  • Documentation video of a former performance and video material relating to the project applied with.
  • Possible residency periods of a minimum of two weeks each between the 1st of August 2025 and the 30th of June 2026.

Deadline for applications is 31st of January 2025, 13.00 CET.

Selected artists will receive an answer on the 27th of March 2025. On the 28th and 31st of March, online collaboration meetings with the selected artists or producers will be held between 9:00 and 15:00 CET. Further agreements and contracts will be formed between the 4th and 9th of April. We expect some availability of the lead artist and/or potentially a producer on these specific dates.

Reply to the remaining applicants will be sent by email mid April 2025 the latest.

Bora Bora Residency Centre collaborates with host partners. Therefore, our artistic residencies can take place in other institutions and places than at Bora Bora in Aarhus. The host partners are all located within a maximum of 2 hours drive of Aarhus.

Bora Bora Residency Centre’s host partners are:

  • Holstebro Dansekompagni
  • Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium
  • Teatret Svalegangen
  • Kolding Egnsteater
  • Limfjordsteatret
  • Earthwise Residency
  • Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology, Aarhus University
  • Vestjyllands Højskole
  • Nørgaards Højskole

The following purposes mostly supported by Bora Bora Residency Centre

  • Research: Early exploration of an artistic idea or project
  • Development: Taking an already developed idea to the next stage
  • Exploration: Exploring a new direction of the artistic work and practice 
  • Post production: Taking up an already premiered work for reflection, further development or preparing it for touring 

The conditions of each residency depends on the artistic project and how this can best be organized by Bora Bora Residency Centre and possibly in collaboration with the host partner.

Typical frame and what is covered through the program

  • 2-3 weeks paid residency, 1.090 €/week per participant as fee. Up to five participants
  • One week paid production fee of 1.090 € for one person distributed over the period between selection and the final evaluation
  • Travel and accommodation

The following is not offered 

  • Most artistic residencies do not take place at Bora Bora and artists can request but cannot expect a residency in Aarhus in Bora Bora’s venue or in a nearby studio
  • Per diems are not covered by Bora Bora
  • Bora Bora asks the artists or the producers of the artists themselves to book tickets for their own travels.

We collaborate on the production and communication of the residency. Therefore artists or their producer are expected to:

  • Participate in online meetings and respond to emails, communicate and share information with their artistic team, book tickets for all travels, collect receipts for reimbursement and add up the amount spent, and send an invoice with artistic fees and reimbursement costs, and participate in an evaluation meeting online.
  • Propose an optimal format for an encounter – a sharing, a talk, a workshops, etc.
  • Contribute with information and visuals on the work for our website, social media and newsletter.
  • Include Bora Bora Residency Centre on future publicity materials relating to the work related to the residency.
  • Give feedback on the process of the residency.

At Bora Bora Residency Centre we aim to follow the artistic work after the residency and keep in touch.

What languages do you accept in the application?

The artistic advisory board consists of people with international backgrounds, which is why we only accept applications in English.

Is there a way to get an overview of the entire application form?

The form is divided into sections and content will not be deleted if you move forward/backward in the form. However, you may need to fill in mandatory fields to move forward.

Can I send multiple applications for several different projects?

Yes. You are very welcome to apply with more than one project, as long as they each have their own application.

Can you say more about the budget?

The weekly artistic fee is 1.090 € per artist. We can not pay per diems but we will cover travels and accommodation. We can invite up to five participants – in rare cases six. If a participant is working for less than a week, we will pay per workday (not travel days) by dividing 1.090 € by 5 and times the amount of workdays in the residency.

What kind of video should I add?

We welcome full length performances, rehearsal and process videos of almost any quality. It’s okay if you only have a work in progress video recorded on a smartphone. Trailers and promotional videos aren’t as useful to us.

Please make sure to include passwords if necessary when using Youtube, Vimeo, etc.

I forgot to add documents, what should I do?

You will not be able to access your application, once it has been sent. If you forgot to include important material in your application we ask you to fill out a new application and send an email to with the application ID of the one you do not wish us to consider.

Can I apply through e-mail to a member of staff at Bora Bora?

No, this is not possible. The only way to apply for a residency with the Residency Centre, is through the application form when it is online.

Can you provide feedback on my application?

Unfortunately we do not have the ressources to provide feedback on applications.

Can we apply as a collective?

Whether you are a collective, company or a group creators, it is possible to apply with a project. If that’s the case, please make sure to state it clearly in your project description.

One of you has to be the main applicant. This is for administrative purposes only.

Is there a geographical limit to who can apply?

We accept applications and can travel artists from everywhere, but we do have a budget limit to how many artists over one season can travel from afar.

Can I apply if I am an artist from another artistic field with an idea that is choreographic or involves dancing?

Yes, you are welcome to apply but it needs to be relevant within the frame of the residency program, since the purpose is to support the artistic development within dance and choreography.

Can I apply with a project that just needs rehearsal space and time?

You are welcome to apply within any stage of your process. However, we only occasionally offer technical residencies.

Do you offer technical residencies?

Most of our host-partners can provide studio space, while only Bora Bora will have the possibility to offer full technical support in terms of light, sound, technical assistance, etc.
If you have the option of indicating a period for choreographic body development and request a later period for a more technical residency, it would be a way to let us know about your needs, without limiting the possibilities to only a technical residency. If your residency needs are limited only to a technical one, you can still apply. However, we will only select more technically demanding works, if the periods proposed are matching with the availability at Bora Bora.

I missed the deadline by some days, can I still apply?

Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to go through late applications. But if you missed it by minutes or hours, the application will usually be considered.

Where is the residency going to take place?

If you have applied for and are granted one of our residencies, you can expect to stay with one of our regional Danish host partners; theatres, performing arts houses or folk high schools, who will host you for the duration of your residency. In some instances we also host residencies at Bora Bora.

What is a “Folk High School” or “Højskole” ?

A “Folk High School” or “Højskole” is a traditional Danish boarding school for typically 18-30 year olds, who want to spend 4-12 months exploring a certain theme or subject. There are no exams and usually the schools have an informal and socially engaging way to approach learning, through subjects such as photography, sports activities, arts, crafts, sustainable eco-farming and a myriad of other things. In a residency, you will not be expected to take part in the højskole’s activities, but some of them may be of interest, and in that case you are welcome. 

Can we select where we would like the residency to take place?

You may request a host partner, if you wish to stay somewhere specific, but all residencies will be subject to availability.

Can we select where we would like to do the residency among the international partner venues?

The international partners and networks are not a part of the Open Call. However, sometimes we find candidates for the exchanges via the Open Call. In the application form we ask if we may contact you if other possibilities arise. The exchanges with our international partners will happen as bilateral exchanges with artists based in Denmark/Danish Artists and artists based in the partner country. The artists for these exchanges will be curated in a dialogue between the partners.

I didn’t find what I was looking for, where can I ask my questions?

If you didn’t find the information you needed, try to read through the rest of our website or send an email at

In addition to the annual Open Call, which is open internationally, Bora Bora Residency Centre is also a partner in the Nordic Residency Exchange Program (NREP). Under NREP five major performing arts houses in northern Europe, collaborate on exchanging artists by offering residencies. These residencies are selected by the partners and can not be applied for.

Bora Bora Residency Centre also participates in a collaboration with the international residency cluster Dance & Dramaturgy EU, where a choreographer/danceartist or dance dramaturg is invited to participate in an exchange and development program dedicated to artistic, theoretical and practical investigations. It is not possible to apply for participation in the program.

See information on co-production on this website at ‘For professionals’ and ‘Collaboration with us’

Sign up for our newsletter in English here

Follow us on facebook or instagram

Send an e-mail to our residency producer, if you can’t find an answer to potential questions

Bora Bora Residency Centre is supported by

Previously also supported by the Beckett Foundation and Nordic Culture Point.

Photo from the residency of Leslie Mannès: RITUELS DU DESORDRE(2022) Mannès, Turine, Lemaître. © David Bormans.