PREMIERE: K.I.S.S. (women in socks and sandals). In “M.I.S. - All Night Long” we saw DON GNU go full throttle in worn-out socks and battered sandals, in the pursuit of the modern man's identity. Now it's the women's turn! But how does the modern woman fit into a world of hard wood and big balls?
After exploring the modern man’s identity in “M.I.S. – All Night Long,” it’s now the women who take center stage! But how does the modern woman fits into a world of hard wood and big balls?
In K.I.S.S., DON GNU, in collaboration with director Kamilla Wargo, aims to explore what happens when women step into a world created by men. What is it like for women to act like men? And is it possible for them to find their own expression in world of raw physicality, ego battles, and cheesy dad humor?
Get ready for a powerful performance filled with quirky stunts and mental courage as the three female performers step out of their comfort zones to take on DON GNU’s testosterone-fueled action universe.
K.I.S.S. is a celebration for everyone who wishes to celebrates the right to be oneself – genuine, unfiltered, and powerful in its imperfection – all night long!
PLEASE NOTE: The use of blinking light effects is part of the performance.
The performance is mainly non-verbal. Any speaking parts will be in English.

“It’s almost unbelievable that the three dancers – Nadja Bounenni, Giulia Quacqueri and Paulína Šmatláková – haven’t danced together for years. The soundtrack is as diverse as the performance itself, from intimate guitar tones to clubby funk and electronic string music. Just as complex and full of contrasts as the modern woman! DON GNU have long been known for their masculine, physical universe, but “K.I.S.S.” shows that women can not only join in – they can redefine the space. And with humor, energy and a large dose of self-irony, the show proves that the themes are universal. Because whether it’s about power, gender or something as simple as a woolly sock, we are all part of the same dance.”
– (read the whole review – in Danish)
“DON GNU challenges the balance in the performance ‘K.I.S.S.’ at Bora Bora. Three performers, each with their own weight and gravity, challenge it with loving strokes to the clumsiness and awkwardness of life. The place where we humans try to find a grimace that fits, while at the same time recognizing in our quiet minds that we are just too awkward, too lopsided, too small, too big or whatever we imagine. (…) This evening’s performance has a fine palette of physical lyricism. Offering dance that weaves in and out of the comic moments. With slapstick and characterization and physical challenge of the law of gravity, the women spice up the party with acrobatics, humor and the sweetness of awkward embraces.”
– (read the whole review – in Danish)
“Physically, it is impressive what the three female dancers in “K.I.S.S.” are capable of. Several times they perform movements that seem physically impossible.”
– JP Aarhus (read the whole review – in Danish)
“So whether you love modern dance or you, like the reviewer, are new to dance theater, we here at Kapellet recommend that you take a trip to Bora Bora and spend a good hour of your life here. At least people in Aarhus have discovered this, because even though the reviewer was unable to attend the premiere, almost every seat in the hall was occupied this evening. Take the chance and maybe you’ll discover, like me, that dance theater can be entertaining, fun, impressive and not least quite enchanting. It’s amazing to experience this kind of performance live in the same room you’re in.”
– Kulturkapellet (read the whole review – in Danish)
Artist talk on March 7th with the performers
After the performance on March 7, Bora Bora invites you to an artist talk with dancers Nadja Bounenni, Giulia Quacqueri and Paulína Šmatláková about experiences, art and humor across borders. The three female dancers from different corners of Europe share their experiences of what it means to be a woman in a male-dominated world. The event is presented in collaboration with Århundredets Festival.
Videos about the performance
Co-director Kamilla Wargo (in Danish)
The performers (in English)
DON GNU – Physical Theater & Film makes action theater and dance combined in a playful and poetic universe.
The company was established in 2010 by the choreographers Jannik Elkær and Kristoffer Louis Andrup Pedersen, who together are responsible for the artistic management. DON GNU are house artist at Bora Bora.
Today, DON GNU is one of the country’s most touring companies, which in addition to extensive touring activities in Denmark, has also toured in large parts of the world, including all the Nordic countries, South Korea, Canada, large parts of Europe and Cuba.
More about Don Gnu here

Produced by:
in collaboration with
Kamilla Wargo
Performance & Choreography:
Nadja Bounenni
Giulia Quacqueri
Paulína Šmatláková
Staged & choreographed by:
Kamilla Wargo
Video, light & photography:
Christopher Brekne
Alice Carreri
Alma Vinum Jakobsen
Malene Cathrine Pedersen
Co-produced by:
Bora Bora – Dance & Visual Theatre
Supported by:
Augustinus Fonden
C.A.C. Fonden
Knud Højgaards Fond
William Demant Fonden
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond
Statens Kunstfond
Aarhus Kommune